Twitter Trolling Time

Get ready for more trolling.

There are two reasons for this post:

  1. I find Twitter trolling fun.
  2. The amount of Twitter trolling I’ve done lately is enough for a mini post.
  3. Everyone is allowed to be a narcissist once in a while.
  4. I can’t count.

So, as you may have gathered from my repeat references to Twitter  trolling, I’ve been doing some trolling lately. On Twitter.

I have a bit of a history with email trolling of scammers and eBay trolling of shady salesemen. It was only a matter of time before I moved on to Twitter.

I don’t just troll people willy-nilly, though. Not yet, anyways.

Instead I find those I deem worthy of a trolling treatment. Who are they? So far there were two types:

  1. The annoying spammers of wise or inspirational quotes.
  2. Companies, because down with the man and all that stuff.
  3. I made you think I was going to do the math joke here again, but then I didn’t.

Since I have recently unfollowed a lot of specifically these types of accounts, I didn’t have any to pick from in my Twitter stream. Instead, I had to actually go out and search for them. I have no life.

I’m not censoring any names, since all of these conversations are publicly available on Twitter. Here goes:

Nokia are amazed by their own product. Shocking.

Doing things yourself or doing yourself? Don’t answer that!

Potential cross-platform issues.

Rhyming for success.

It’s a legitimate question.

Dictionary to the rescue!

When you assume you make an ass of your marketing.

Insanity breeds inspiration.

Creating stuff with your mind, X-Men style. They did that, right?

Flawless logic.

I know who I am!

That’s all for now, but the annoying Twitter troll in me lives on. Who knows what the future brings?


There Is MoreFor other Twitter-related stuff, check out:

9 types of people I unfollow on Twitter

The 5 types of junk in my Twitter Direct Messages inbox

House of Coates: a cautionary tale

28 thoughts on “Twitter Trolling Time

  1. I have this notion that trolling is BAD. But you made me laugh with this post and you just break my belief! Now I don’t know if the sun will still shine tomorrow. 🙂


    • Great points are my specialty! And yeah the lady in the conversation answered that there’s always room in Alabama. I trust she knows what she’s talking about?


  2. I miss you! This came across my Facebook feed this morning, and it’s exactly what I needed 😀 Twitter definitely needs trolling. My favorite? The people who spam you with a website that’s supposed to get you thousands of Twitter followers a day, and they only have a few hundred themselves. Keep up the good work!


    • Love is in the air indeed. I do recall us Prancercising in the open fields, free from stress, galloping towards the sun. We were also unicorns. Yeah, could be a blurred memory of some sort, really.

      Thanks, sir. Glad you’re enjoying the juvenile gibberish. Hope all is well on your end!


      • *Beep* I’m now enjoying a beer. It occurs to me that it would be a blast to share a beer with you someday. (Well, not the SAME beer, but… anyway…) I don’t know if I’ll ever make it to Denmark (I tried once, but hitch-hiking in the snow had it’s limits, and I never made it), but if you ever find yourself on North America’s west coast, I’ll buy you your very own beer. Cheers! 🙂


      • You’re onto something, dude. Even though in my case it would be Rum’n’Cola instead of a beer. Or literally any other drink instead of a beer, since I just don’t like the beer taste (I know, I know).

        But for sure – if you’re ever around these parts you keep me posted. And vice versa, of course.


  3. Remind me not to tweet out any quotes. Unless they’re my own, of course, because, as you point out: “Everyone is allowed to be a narcissist once in a while.” (And Lord knows I was one on my own blog today…)

    You are brave to do what so many of us would love to do. Have any of these people/spam bots responded to you?


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